I found this emulator on a BBS in Bavaria (still, it appears to be virus free ,-). In reply to the following note which was placed in the original ZIP file, I take the program *absolutely* seriously, it actually emulates a C64 quite closely. Unfortunately, SID and VIC, the sound and video chips are hardly emulated, so that most "professional" programs (which make use of sprites and Hires graphics) do not run with reasonable results. Unfortunately, an inquiry to the author of the program at mate%mubo.abg.sub.org@ira.uka.de (Martin Freiberg) failed. I would like to hear about what you learn (e.g. patches?). See the address below. hannes. Johannes Kiehl | hannes%complx.stgt.sub.org@ira.uk.de Here is the note which the author supplied ------------------------------ C U T C A T ------------------------------ The program C64.EXE is an emulator for the well known home computer from Commodore. This program is not to be taken too seriously but it brings back pleasant memories for me. Several notes about the program. - Runs only on PCs/ATs with a Hercules card - The keyboard is the original 64, so [Shift-RightArrow] to go left (numeric keypad only if you have a 101 key keyboard), [Shift-DownArrow] to go up, [\] for the equals sign. - One can end the session with 'SYS 1' [Enter]. The same thing happens with an undefined opcode. - [Ctrl-Alt-Del] causes a reset. [Num] stands for [Run/Stop] and [Scroll] for [Restore]. A Restore can also be issued by [Num-Scroll]. - It emulates one VC1541 floppy, which contains a machine language monitor on a chip. It can be loaded with 'LOAD "MONITOR" ,8,1' and called with 'SYS 49152'. Only one program can be stored. The two format commands can not be used. - Bank switching 1 is emulated (try 'POKE 1, 0'). - Timer 1 is partially emulated by the CIA at address DC00 . - The VIC functions of different character attributes and background color are emulated. Also, the key combination [Shift-Alt] works as [Shift-CBM]. That's enough. My proposal: put it in the AUTOEXEC.BAT of someone you don't like... [Translator's Note: I tested this using the Hercules emulation mode of my VGA card (a Paradise). There were extra characters on the right of the screen and the bottom line was incompletely displayed. Presumably this was due to a fault in my VGA card rather than this program; maybe yours will work better. You probably know much more about the C64 than I do; so don't write to me to ask for help in using this emulator. (In particular, I have no idea about how to take a Commodore disk and turn it into one of the *.41 files the emulator uses!) But, if you have corrections to the translation or additions to the documentation, please send them to me and I'll incorporate them. luitje@m-net.ann-arbor.mi.us]